

The Butterfly Cart is a folding A-frame. It stores flat and is lightweight, making it easy to hand carry or load in an SUV.

Agile & Capable

Handle heavy loads in tight spaces.  Butterfly Cart’s four caster wheels swivel and two have brakes. With a footprint of 36 x 28 inches, it fits through any doorway, all while carrying up to 600 lbs of material.

Very Versatile

Art Handling

  • Save room in the packing area. Nestle your Butterfly Cart in the racks or hang it on a wall.

    During an install, keep the artwork on one side of the cart and your tools on the built-in workbench.

  • Park anywhere you want and roll that oversize artwork to the client’s building. Move up to 8 pictures at a time.

    Free up space in the truck when you fold the Butterfly Cart and strap it to the wall.

Moving and Delivery

  • The angled deck keeps cartons in place. Balance boxes up to 18 inches wide. Here it is loaded with 15 cu. ft. of material, secured with the included tie-down strap.

  • Mirrors, TVs, and mattresses are a breeze. Even a table will balance on its edge with the legs sticking out. Work smart not hard.


  • Load up to 12 sheets of 3/4” ply on one side. Butterfly Cart can handle everything from delicate sheets of glass to a load of drywall.

  • Stack up to forty-four 2x4s and still have room for tools on the other side of the deck.

Look Inside

Open the upper panel to reveal a mobile workbench and storage compartment, featuring removable  tool pouches.

Get Rolling

Order by May 31st, and we’ll include two (2) tool pouches for your mobile workbench and two (2) tie-down straps free.
Deliveries start in August 2024.